

noun en·sem·ble \än-ˈsäm-bəl, äⁿ-\

: a group of people or things that make up a complete unit (such as a musical group, a group of actors or dancers, or a set of clothes)

Full Definition of ENSEMBLE

:  a group producing a single effect: as
a :  concerted music of two or more parts
b :  a complete costume of harmonizing or complementary clothing and accessories
c (1) :  the musicians engaged in the performance of a musical ensemble
(2) :  a group of supporting players, singers, or dancers; especially :  corps de ballet

Origin of ENSEMBLE

French, from ensemble together, from Old French, from Latin insimul at the same time, from in- + simul at the same time — more at same
First Known Use: 1750



Definition of ENSEMBLE

:  emphasizing the roles of all performers as a whole rather than a star performance <ensemble acting>

First Known Use of ENSEMBLE

circa 1911

Other Performing Arts Terms

diva, dramaturgy, loge, prestidigitation, proscenium, supernumerary, zany
ENSEMBLE[1] Defined for Kids


noun en·sem·ble \än-ˈsäm-bəl\

Definition of ENSEMBLE for Kids

:  a group of people or things making up a complete unit <a musical ensemble> <She wore a three-piece ensemble.>


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